Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

Kenali objek wisata yang anda kunjungi di Pandeglang

Kenali dan kunjungi objek wisata di Pandeglang. Kenali lebih jauh objek wisata di Pandeglang maka semakin banyak objek wisata yang dapat anda kunjungi di Pandeglang. Beberapa objek wisata menarik di antaranya sbb:

  1. Pantai Carita
  2. Tanjung Lesung
  3. Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon
  4. Gunung Karang
  5. Situs Citaman
  6. Air Terjun Curug Gendang
  7. Pemandian Cikoromoy

  8. Pulau Panaitan
  9. Pantai Bama dan Ciputih
  10. Pemandian Belerang Cisolong
Kenali semua objek wisata di atas akan menambah rasa ingin tahu lebih jauh membuat siapapun tertarik untuk kunjungi satu demi satu.

[Selengkapnya] - Kenali objek wisata yang anda kunjungi di Pandeglang

Kunjungi objek wisata yang anda kenali di Pandeglang

Kenali Pandeglang karena merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Banten, Indonesia dimana banyak sekali memiliki objek wisata menarik untuk anda kunjungi. Kabupaten Pandeglang diapit oleh Kabupaten Serang di sebelah Utara, Kabupaten Lebak di Timur, Selat Sunda di sebelah Barat dan Samudra Hindia di Selatan. Wilayahnya meliputi Pulau Panaitan (di sebelah barat, dipisahkan dengan Selat Panaitan), serta sejumlah pulau-pulau kecil di Samudra Hindia, termasuk Pulau Deli dan Pulau Tinjil. Semenanjung Ujung Kulon merupakan salah satu objek wisata unggulan Pandeglang di ujung paling barat Pulau Jawa, dimana terdapat suaka margasatwa bagi salah satu hewandilindungi; badak bercula satu yang kini hampir punah. Menarikbukan, untuk itu melalui blog kenal pandeglang mari kita kenali dan kunjungi objek wisata di Pandeglang.

[Selengkapnya] - Kunjungi objek wisata yang anda kenali di Pandeglang

Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Kenali Sejarah Pandeglang

Menurut Staatsblad Nederlands Indie No. 81 tahun 1828, Keresidenan Banten dibagi tiga kabupaten: Kabupaten Utara yaitu Serang, Kabupaten Selatan yaitu Lebak dan Kabupaten Barat yaitu Caringin.

Kabupaten Serang dibagi lagi menjadi 11 (sebelas) kewedanaan. Kesebelas kewedanaan tersebut yaitu: Kewedanaan Serang (Kecamatan Kalodian dan Cibening), Kewedanaan Banten (Kecamatan Banten, Serang dan Nejawang), Kewedanaan Ciruas (Kecamatan Cilegon dan Bojonegara), Kewedanaan Cilegon (Kecamatan Terate, Cilegon dan Bojonegara), Kewedanaan Tanara (Kecamatan Tanara dan Pontang), Kewedanaan Baros (Kecamatan Regas, Ander dan Cicandi), Kewedanaan Kolelet (Kecamatan Pandeglang dan Cadasari) Kewedanaan Ciomas (Kecamatan Ciomas Barat an Ciomas Utara) dan Kewedanaan Anyer (tidak dibagi kecamatan). Menurut sejarah, pada tahun 1089 Banten terpaksa harus menyerahkan wilayahnya yaitu Lampung kepada VOC (Batavia). Saat itu Banten dipimpin oleh Sultan Muhamad menyusun strategi untuk melawan kekuasaan VOC. Sultan Muhamad menjadikan Pandeglang sebagai wilayah untuk menyusun kekuatan. Kekuatan kesultanan dipencar kepelosok Pandeglang seperti di kaki gunung Karang dan di pantai.

Pandeglang dalam percaturan sejarah kesultanan Banten telah terbukti merupakan daerah yang strategis. Hal ini bisa terlihat dari berbagai peninggalan sejarah yang terdapat di wilayah Pandeglang. Semua itu bukan hanya membekas pada benda yang berwujud, tapi juga membekas pada kultur kehidupan masyarakat Pandeglang.

Peninggalan sejarah kesultanan Banten masih nampak terlihat dari seni budaya yang ada di Pandeglang. Misalnya saja, Pandeglang merupakan Kota Santri dan Pandeglang terkenal dengan daerah yang historis, patriotis dan agamis. Julukan ini tidak serta merta timbul dengan sendirinya, akan tetapi merupakan bentangan sejarah telah mencatatnya.

Kembali kepada sejarah terbentuknya Kabupaten Pandeglang sejak tanggal 1 April 1874, tanah-tanah gubernur kecuali Bativia dan Keresidenan Priangan telah Banten telah ditentukan, bahwa:

Jabatan Kliwon pada Bupati dan Patih dari Afdeling Anyer, Serang dan Keresidenan Banten dihapuskan. Bupati mempunyai pembantu, yaitu mantri Kabupaten dengan gaji 50 gulden. Kepala Distrik mempunyai gelar jabatan wedana dan Onder Distrik mempunyai jabatan Asisten Wedana.

Berdasarkan Staatsblad 1874 NO. 73 Ordonansi tanggal 1 Maret 1874 mulai berlaku 1 April 1874 menyebutkan pembagian daerah, diantaranya Kabupaten Pandeglang dibagi 9 distrik atau kewedanaan. Pembagian ini menjadi Kewedanaan Pandeglang, Baros, Ciomas, Kolelet, Cimanuk, Caringin, Panimbang, Menes dan Cibaliung.

Menurut data tersebut di atas, Pandeglang sejak tanggal 1 April 1874 telah ada pemerintahan. Lebih jelas lagi dalam ordonansi 1877 Nomor 224 tentang batas-batas keresidenan Banten, termasuk batas-batas Kabupten Pandeglang dalam tahun 1925 dengan keputusan Gubernur Jenderal Hindia Belanda tanggal 14 Agustus 1925 nomor XI. Maka jelas Kabupaten Pandeglang telah berdiri sendiri tidak di bawah penguaasaan Keresidenan Banten.(Sumber

Dari fakta-fakta tersebut di atas dapat diambil beberapa alternatif, yaitu pada tahun 1828 Pandeglang sudah merupakan pusat pemerintahan distrik. Pada tahun 1874 Pandeglang merupakan kabupaten. Pada tahun 1882 Pandeglang merupakan kabupaten dan distrik kewedanaan. Dan pada tahun 1925 kabupaten Pandeglang telah berdiri sendiri. Atas dasar kesimpulan-kesimpulan tersebut di atas, maka disepakati bersama bahwa tanggal 1 April 1874 ditetapkan sebagai hari jadi Kabupaten Pandeglang.

Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang.


[Selengkapnya] - Kenali Sejarah Pandeglang

Daftar Hotel dan Restauran di Pandeglang

Berikut daftar penginapan dan rumah makan yang ada di Kabupaten Pandeglang bila anda hendak kenali dan kunjungi objek wisata di Pandeglang.

Daftar Hotel di Pandeglang

  1. Adria Marina Hotel Jl. Raya Carita (0253)801525
  2. Carita Bak-Bak Hotel Jl. Raya Carita Pandeglang (0253)801126
  3. Citra Ayu Hotel Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Kec. Labuan (0253)801229
  4. Caringin Hotel Jl. Raya Carita Kec. Labuan (0253)801388
  5. Citra Ayu Hotel Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan (0253)801229
  6. Hegar Prima Hotel Jl. Raya Carita Labuan (0253)801125
  7. Krakatau Sea Side Hotel Jl. Raya Carita KM 6 Labuan (0253)801016
  8. Karang Sari Hotel Jl. Raya Carita KM 2 Pandeglang (0253)201977
  9. Karibia Krakatau Hotel Jl. Tegal Papak (0253)801620 - 8011621
  10. Krakatau Otel Jl. Raya Carita KM 8 Labuan (0253)803027
  11. Krakatau Surf Hotel Jl. Raya Carita Labuan (0253)803819 - 803851
  12. Lagundi Cottage Jl. Raya Carita Pandeglang (0253)801130
  13. Luccia Cottage Jl. Raya Carita Labuan (0253)801328 - 8011261
  14. Lippo Carita Hotel*** Jl. Raya Carita Labuan Pandeglang (0253)801919
  15. Losmen Keraton Jl. Raya Labuan KM 2 Pandeglang (0253)201877
  16. Losmen Sunset Niew Jl. Raya Carita KM 14 Labuan (0253)801075
  17. Marina Cottage Jl. Raya Carita Pandeglang (0253)801077
  18. Mutiara Carita Hotel ** Jl. Raya Carita KM 7 Pandeglang (0253)801069 - 801070
  19. Nigua Darma Hotel Jl. Raya Carita Pandeglang (0253)803288
  20. Paranti Hotel Jl. Mayor Widagdo 3 Pandeglang (0253)201176
  21. Pt Kencan Sinar Semesta Jl. Raya cari KM 4 Labuan (0253)801833
  22. Panisan Youth Hotel Jl. Raya Carita labuan (0253)801072
  23. Pondok Mario Jl. Raya Carita Pandeglang (0253)801856
  24. Pondok Desiana Jl. Raya Labuan Pandeglang (0253)801322
  25. Pondok Madu Jl. Raya Carita Labuan (0253)801858
  26. Pondok Meifa Jl. Raya carita KM 11 Labuan (0253)201265
  27. Pondok Parahyangan Jl. Raya Carita KM 9 Labuan (0253)802193
  28. Penginapan Cempaka Sambolo Jl. Raya Carita Labuan HP. 0816844589
  29. Pasanggrahan Perhutani Jl. Raya Carita KM 16 Labuan (0253)801324
  30. Pulau Umang Resort & Spa Sumur - Pandeglang (0253) 803331 - 803351
  31. Resort Pantai Carita **** Jl. Raya Carita Pandeglang (0253)801127
  32. Rakata Hotel Jl. Raya Carita KM 9 Labuan (0253)801171
  33. Sejahtera Hotel Jl. Letnan Bolang No.1 Pandeglang (0253)201175
  34. Surya Surup Indah Hotel Jl. Raya carita Labuan (0253)801075
  35. Selat Sunda Hotel Jl. Raya Carita KM 12 Labuan (0253)801814
  36. Saung Niki Aki Jl. Raya Carita (0253)801722
  37. Sari Laut Hotel Jl. Raya Carita KM 12 Labuan (0253)802147
  38. The Bay Villa Resort Kecamatan Panimbang, Pandeglang (0253)801890 - 802900
  39. Wisma Pkpri Jl. Raya Labuan KM 3 Pandeglang (0253)201308
  40. Wira Carita Hotel Jl. Raya carita KM 9 Pandeglang (0253)801156 - 801116
  41. Pondok Kharisma *** Jl. Raya Panimbang, Pandeglang (0253)801650
  42. Carita Asri** Jl. Raya Carita KM 7 Pandeglang (0253)802147
  43. Guna Sanghyang * Jl. Raya Carita, Pandeglang (0253) 801285
Daftar Restoran di Pandeglang
  1. Penineungan 1 Jl. Ahmad Yani (0253)201326
  2. Penineungan 2 Jl. AMD Pandeglang (0253)201752
  3. Ibu Eni Jl. Jl. Raya Labuan KM 14 (0253)401163
  4. Rika Telaga Sari Jl. Jl. Raya Labuan KM 12 (0253)401356
  5. Saung Salira Jl. A. Yani No.50 (0253)203210
  6. Maya Jl. Raya Carita KM 10 (0253)801072
  7. Kasih Bundo Jl. Raya Labuan (0253)803154
  8. Kemah Mobil Jl Raya Carita KM 10 (0253)801607
  9. Valentine dan Galeri Jl. Raya Carita Sukajadi (0253)801064
  10. Khas Sinda Jl. Raya Ciater Labuan (0253)801722
  11. Pak Kumis Jl. Raya Labuan (0253)801579
  12. Nyentil Jl. Raya Carita Sukajadi (0253)801080
  13. Tanjung Lesung Jl. Citeurep Panimbang (0253)802900 -802890
  14. Pantai Carita Jl. Raya Carita (0253)802222
  15. Kharisma Jl. Panimbang (0253)801650
  16. Mutiara Carita Jl. Raya Carita (0253)801069 - 801070
  17. Pondok Carita Asri Jl. Raya carita KM 12 (0253)802347
  18. Guna Sanghiang Jl. Raya Carita (0253)801295
  19. Carita Krakatau Food Jl. Raya Carita (0253)803027
  20. Niki Aki Jl. Raya Carita KM 11 (0253)801722
(Sumber dari

[Selengkapnya] - Daftar Hotel dan Restauran di Pandeglang

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang (en)

Kenali dan Kunjungi objek Wisata di Pandeglang is the canopy tour one of the vigorous campaign carried out in Pandeglang. Recognize Pandeglang because it is one district in Banten province, Indonesia, where many have interesting tourist objects for your visit. Flanked by Pandeglang District of Serang District in the north, Lebak District in the East, the Sunda Strait to the west and the Indian Ocean in the South. Territory includes Panaitan Island (in the west, separated by the Strait Panaitan), and a number of small islands in the Indian Ocean, including Deli and Tinjil Islands. Ujung Kulon Peninsula is one of the leading tourist attraction in Pandeglang at the westernmost tip of Java island, where there is a game reserve for protected animals one; one-horned rhino is now almost extinct. Interesting is not it, for it was through blogs Pandeglang know let us recognize and visit tourist attraction in Pandeglang.

Approximately 114 Km from the capital Jakarta, visit the District Pandeglang with several alternative routes. Identify the fastest one of them by Tol Jakarta - Merak through the exit of Western Serang, by passing through the capital of Banten, Serang - Pandeglang highway is the nearest route could take the vehicle for about 20 minutes. Along this road stretch identify areas of paddy fields, typical diner food and "saung" or hut for shelter or rest. Pandeglang market will greet before you visit the city center is marked by the presence of Pandeglang Square as a means of socializing sport for surrounding residents. With us identify and visit tourist objects in Pandeglang closer, the more tourist objects in Pandeglang for we know. One thing is the reason why we should identify and visit tourist objects in Pandeglang is after you visit the city sights Pandeglang is Crag Mountain on background to the west which is one of several other interesting tourist objects in Pandeglang. There is 4 access routes in and out of Pandeglang First the Serang-Pandeglang highway in the North, Rangkasbitung highway in the East, Labuan highway in the South and Mount Reef tourist road to the west. This will help if we want to identify and visit tourist attractions in Pandeglang further.

Around Pandeglang city, there is Rangkasbitung, city transit to and from Bandung or Jakarta as an alternative path to reach Pandeglang where there is Railway transportation from Jakarta as a transport option to visit Pandeglang. Rangkasbitung highway no less unique, lots of different stalls and pavilion with snack treats for your special visit with family. Last but not least Labuan city because it is one of the city's economy centers on Pandeglang district. So let's get familiar and visit tourist attractions in Pandeglang now.

CAS Waterpark
CAS WaterparkApproximately 10 minutes from the town square of Pandeglang invite families to visit water tourist attraction CAS Waterpark Pandeglang Jl. East Cross AMD, Sukaratu, Kp. Cikole, Kec. Majasari. Recognize this tourism object because it has so many exciting rides such as the Village area Baduy, Alap Alap Baduy, Outer SpaceCar, Outbond and others. CAS Waterpark is equipped with 4 pieces main pool, pool ball Vehicle, Vehicle Pool wavy, Bike Barn Vehicle, Motor Vehicle Kids, Kids FunRide, Tourism Shopping and Accessories. In addition there are objects Culinary Tours, Swan Lake With Floating Warung 25, Area Animal Park, Saung, Building, Park(free for use) and public facilities such as the Small Mosque, Canteen, Locker Room and spacious parking area and comfort.

Pemandian CikoromoyFrom Pandeglang highway toward Labuan ±12km try to visit the tourist mountain spring Cikoromoy to remove fatigue after a busy big city. There are two entry points to reach the tourist area famous spring in Pandeglang, ie from the direction Mengger Pandeglang-up to the Mandalawangi, before reaching Mandalawangi turn left, or enter from the Sub-Cikoromoy Cimanuk through the village roads that are not too large, becareful on that pathway is often crowded by begging along the road. Cikoromoy tourist baths(swimming pool), located in District Cimanuk, Batu Bantar Village , Pandeglang district. Recognize this place because quite cool, there are two natural pool with very clear water flows directly from mountain springs Pulosari. Clean water is frequently used by people around to irrigate the fields, keeping goldfish, tilapia, mujair, gurami and others. All around the pond is up a lot of places to eat where the menu offers a la sunda, special menus are very inspiring traditional tastes, such as gurami "bakar", fried fish, vegetables tamarind, pepper "angeun", and others. The fish was still fresh, because it directly from the local pond and immediately processed on the spot. In addition to the objects of the natural pond, outside the established tourist sites are also two other bathing pool, one managed by local communities and others managed by Disparda Pandeglang District. At Cikoromoy area also try to visit other tourist attractions, namely the Quran Stone Pilgrimage. This place can be reached from the direction of Pandeglang through the entrance Mengger line, before we enter Cikoromoy area, on the right area with a little down the valley.

Pemandian CitamanApproaching tourist visit Labuan Citaman, natural baths and archaeological sites with beautiful scenery all around. Citaman itself is a megalithic pool, located on the slopes of Mount Pulosari, Sukasari Village, Sub Menes, District Pandeglang. In the pond there are several kinds of stone mortar (dakon) and foreign ceramic shards. This pool is divided into 2 parts one part for men and one section for women. This pond is about 350 m2. In the megalithic era, this pond is used as a place to purify themselves before performing a ritual in which "goong" stones were. Batu Goong Citaman site located west of the Kadu Hill, Mount Pulosari. Based on research showing stone objects Goong, Citaman site is a complex unity of culture and period. At the site visit is also an object "Bergores" stone, besides that it also found pottery shards, instantly recognizable among white ceramic oldest comes from the late 16th century AD. There were also fragments of the expected area of the 9th century AD. It is said that, according to local residents every "maulid" night goong rocks produces a sound resembling the sound of the gong sounded to one village.

Mata Air CikajayaanDiscover the region closer have citaman tourist eternal wellspring Cikajayaan. This spring is one of the sources of water that is said is believed to provide success and glory for whom to drink it. This source is located not far from where the stone was and ponds goong citaman or is between them. Also at the same time visit the site object hole in the stone. Know the stone with a hole in this complex because it is a relic of the time of Hindu - Buddhist and formed by the dripping water from 8 roots hanging from a tree.

Pantai Carita
Pantai CaritaPassing through the town towards the North Labuan not forget to visit tourist attractions other beautiful, Carita Beach. Recognize this beach because it has a base material of white sand with a slightly brownish and Mount Anak Krakatau on the background. Located on an alternative tour route Cilegon - Labuan road, Carita can be achieved through the Jakarta-Merak Toll road and exit West Cilegon gate. Carita Beach has its pros and its own charm, but is rich in tourism culture. Carita Beach also relies on her beautiful, distant, and offered a million tourist charm sea and tourism that can attract natural whoever visitors. Visit the area at the edge of the Sunda Strait is due to become an alternative for urban residents and the surrounding areas to release the sense of fatigue after a week doing routine activities. Here, visitors can conduct various activities such as swimming in the ocean, fishing, playing Jetsky, banana boats, surfboards, beach volleyball, boating, or just sit back to enjoy the waves and sea breeze. In addition to offering beautiful beach, Carita Beach has a choice of hotels or cottages along the coast, ranging from hotels to grade class star jasmine all available here.

Curug Gendang
Curug GendangCarita highway, a distance of 9 kilometers takes about 30 minutes drive not forget to visit the waterfall Curug Gendang, located in the tourist area not far from Perhutani Karangsari Carita Beach. Vehicles must be left in the parking lot where visitors want to enjoy the clarity of the water Curug Gendang must would "wiggle-ria" aka foot. Discover the gravel path and slippery due to moisture lowland forests that are always wet roads. Located at an altitude of 170 meters above sea level and far from the city, waterfalls roar with spring water from Mount Pangajaran upstream was very charming. High waterfall with a depth of 7 meters 13 meters and 10 meters wide in the area Carita Beach Pandeglang District Banten Province was named Curug Gendang. "Curug" means waterfall and according to local belief, the sound of the waterfall is falling very much like the sound of Gendang or Drum. Initially this waterfall called Curug Citajur, ultimately better known as Curug Gendang.

About one kilometer journey winding, climbing and descending to the location will be an unforgettable experience because of the way, visitors can enjoy the beautiful stretch of scenery. Discover the variety of plants that grow wild, like a durian tree and bring forth the natural cool atmosphere. The chirp of a bird also various animals such as monkeys roam freely give the impression of Curug Gendang location. Not only that, from the path at this altitude, scenery of mountains and slopes toward "Curug" the edge of the abyss looks spreading ocean, the green of the trees in the foothills of Mount even Krakatoa was visible in the distance form the landscape a very exotic. Arriving at the scene, the roar and splash of waterfalls Curug Gendang began greeting. Pure water to make any visitor eager to enjoy a soak tired legs after walking. The water was fresh and cool, want to submerge your whole body feels aka bath. At certain times, if there happens to be the children of local people to visit Curug Gendang, there is a kind of attractions from which they free fall and swim under a waterfall. They're very good at doing that. In the vicinity of this location are also available area which is often used by visitors for camping with only paying 10,000 rupiah (about 1 dollar) per person for one night. For those who want to feel the adventure in the great outdoors, stay in the location of Curug Gendang is the right choice.

Tanjung Lesung (Lesung Capecoast)
Tanjung LesungFarther south of Labuan turn west also visit tourist Lesung Capecoast. There are two alternative routes that can be taken to reach Tanjung Lesung, ie through the exit EastSerang gate Jakarta-Merak toll road in the direction to the Labuan Pandeglang and takes less than 2 hours or through the exit Eastern Cilegon gate toward Carita then continue to Labuan. Get to know them because they offer a different driving sensation at all the rice paddies, hills and mountains, and other beautiful coastal area. Before reaching the area on the way from Labuan town, greeted visitors and vendors cocoa farmers cocoa seedlings in the street and many-toned fishing village where the salt taste sensation of its own. Lesung Cape Coast itself has a panoramic and beautiful natural beaches of white sand and rocky unique. Peaceful atmosphere and calm conditions and clear water in tourist areas are very supportive of water sports activities like snorkeling, diving, jet skis, banana boats, glass bottom boat, water ski, wakeboard, sunset boat trip, sea kayaking, pedal boating, fishing and diving lesson.

Tanjung Lesung ResortIn addition to water activities, it also provides a variety of land activities such as Krakatoa trip with a duration of 6 hours, Ujung Kulon trip with a duration of 8 hours, horseriding, horsetrekking, horse bathing and picturetaking. In the northern part of the promontory is not very steep hills. Here is part protrudes into the sea to form a lagoon beach, the sea water as a lake formed covering 12 ha and a depth up to 5 meters of water conditions so calm. Green nature and the wind and white sandy beach and choice of hotel facilities with a variety of natural shades to make anyone reluctant patrons to leave and continue to stay longer and hope someday you come back again.

Bama Coast
Also visit also Bama Beach, a tourist area which was prepared for underwater destinations. Recognize that many marine parks around the island are Popole and Liwungan. Recognize also a variety of marine animals, ornamental fish, coral reefs and unique beauty.

Ciputih Coast
Pantai CiputihTurned to the west try to visit the coastal tourist area located on the western tip of Java island. Explore the beautiful white sand beach like Legon Beach, Wells Beach, Muara Baru Tanjungan Beach, Langun Dadap Beach, Panjang Beach and Long Keusik and Ciputih Coast and small islands which have beautiful sea floor such as Umang Island, Oar Island, Mangir Island and Badoer Island.

Ujung Kulon National Park
Pantai Ujung KulonMore to the South-West direction does not miss to visit Ujung Kulon National Park is located in the westernmost part of Java Island, Indonesia. Identify areas including protected forests and vast waters. This area also includes areas of Krakatoa and the surrounding small islands such as Handeuleum Island, Peucang Island, Panaitan Island, North and Honje Mount Jaya Park with total area of 136.655 ha. National Park became the first National Park was established in Indonesia, and also been declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage (Natural World HeritageSite) in 1992. Ujung Kulon itself was initially an agricultural area for several days until finally destroyed and exterminated the entire population by the tsunami as Mount Krakatoa erupted on August 27, 1883 on the back turn this area into the forest.

Recognize also Ujung Kulon National Park because it is a habitat and shelter several endangered species including the threatened extinction is the Javan rhino(Rhinoceros sondaicus). Until now approximately 50 to 60 rhinos live in these habitats.
There are also types of flora and fauna other Rare . Permission to go to visit this National Park can be obtained at the National Park Headquarters in Labuan or Tamanjaya City. The inn where you can visit is available on the island of Handeuleum and Peucang

Panaitan Island
Pulau PanaitanNorth of Ujung Kulon try and identify Panaitan visit, is a tourist object of the island located in the west Java Sea, including the area of Ujung Kulon National Park. Between the island and the island of Java Panaitan bounded by the Strait of Panaitan. Administratively, the island was included in Pandeglang Regency, Banten. In Panaitan hills are covered by forests shelter a variety of wildlife, like deer, wild pigs, monkeys, snakes phyton and the birds. Identify several types of aquatic animals such as freshwater crocodiles and giant lizards can also be found here. One of the high hill in this tourist attractions area known as Mount Raksa, which can be found the statues ancient Hindu in the peak. Panaitan Island coastline dotted with sand beach wide spread naturally creates some tourist locations such as underwater diving scuba to enjoy the coral reefs and have great waves for surfers visit. Identify one of the famous dive sites in this tourist area of coral reefs near Legon bald Stone Butun spot. However, due to strong currents and natural factors other diving around the island of Panaitan not recommended for novice divers.

Mount Karang
Gunung KarangPandeglang west and try to visit the Mount Karang identify passive form of the mountain which had so long slept until now a mainstay tourism Pandeglang area. One is the famous "seven wells" which consists of the formation of colorful mountain crater and is believed to give efficacy to the use of water.

CisolongIn the tourist area of Mount Karang Bathing also visit the hot springs of sulfur Cisolong tourist attraction. Discover the natural bathing with hot water sulfur springs from the Mount Karang, located in District Kaduhejo 10 km from City Pandeglang.

And many more places or areas other interesting tourist objects that have not been widely exposed to the media and are still waiting to be introduced to everyone in order to identify and visit the tourist attraction in Pandeglang. Therefore the more you know the tourist objects in Pandeglang, the easier and you want to Know and Visit Tourist Object in Pandeglang.

To get the latest info on the Pandeglang tourist attraction, visit the website

[Selengkapnya] - Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang (en)

Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

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    - dan sejenisnya = boleh
    - dan sejenisnya = boleh
    Alasan tidak memperbolehkan nama domain dijadikan target karena keterbatasan kesediaan nama domain utk target itu. Jika nanti berebut membeli domain sejenis, kasihan yang belakangan.

  6. Bolehkah memakai
  7. Bolehkah backlink ke URL utama
  8. Boleh melakukan backlink lebih dari satu kali ke web dalam satu artikel?
  9. Bolehkah beriklan PPC untuk promosi blog?
  10. Apa memang benar peserta kontes hanya boleh berasal dari dalam negeri?
    Benar. Kontes ini didedikasikan khusus buat seluruh warga Indonesia. Bila anda orang Indonesia, memiliki blog dan memiliki rekening bank di Indonesia, namun tengah berada di luar negeri (sedang sekolah dan lain-lain), anda tetap boleh mengikutinya.
  11. Metode Black Hat apa saja yang tidak boleh digunakan?
    Semua metode blackhat dilarang.
  12. Berapa panjang tulisan?
    Minimal 400 kata.
  13. Bagi penyebar berita kontes apakah diundi?
    Tidak. Tanpa diundi anda akan mendapatkan hadiah dari berupa space pemasangan iklan karena membantu menyebarkan informasi ini.
  14. Apa hadiah langsung bagi peserta dan penyebar kontes?
    Silakan lihat di atas no 14.
  15. Jika dalam 10 besar ada 2 artikel dari blog yang sama (domain sama), apakah orang tersebut menang dua?
    Tidak. Hanya artikelnya dengan posisi teratas yang dianggap sebagai juara.
  16. Jika dalam 10 besar terdapat dua atau lebih blog /situs web yang dimiliki orang yang sama (domain berbeda) apakah akan tetap di hitung sebagai 2 pemenang atau dianggap 1 saja?
    Tetap dihitung keduanya.
  17. Bagaimana jika saya memakai domain redirect
    Maaf tidak diperbolehkan. Pakailah url asli anda.
  18. Bolehkah menggunakan
    Maaf. Sesuai ketentuan di sini, disebutkan dilarang dipergunakan untuk kontes SEO apapun. Serta hanya bagi pengguna blog (bukan, sampai berakhirnya masa kontes seo dimohon untuk tidak memberikan link dalam bentuk apapun ke blog/situs web penyelenggara kontes seo.
Aturan lebih lanjut dapat anda telusuri di Ayo kita "Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang".

[Selengkapnya] - FAQ Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang

Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009

Rame-rame kita Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang

Tiga bulan terakhir semenjak Agustus 2009, mesin pencari nomer wahid di dunia, Google diramaikan dengan kata kunci unik Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang. Tidak tanggung-tanggung lebih dari 1 juta hasil pencarian membanjiri search engine tersebut. Banyak di antara laman hasil pecarian berasal dari posting-an komunitas blogger, apapun latar belakang isi blog mereka. Fenomena ini ternyata dipicu oleh adanya Kontes SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tentang promosi wisata kota Pandeglang bertajuk Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang yang mulai diselenggarakan sejak tanggal 17 Agustus 2009 pukul 00:00 WIB dan akan berakhir pada 17 November 2009 pukul 24:00 WIB . Kontes ini terbuka bagi siapa saja untuk mengikutinya asalkan mengikuti syarat da
n ketentuan sbb:
  1. Peserta harus melakukan registrasi di
  2. Peserta harus memposting/menulis artikel dengan tema keindahan objek wisata di pandeglang di blog atau webnya masing masing.
  3. Panjang artikel minimal 400 kata.
  4. Peserta harus mencantumkan alamat url postingannya bukan nama domain web atau blognya pada saat melakukan registrasi di
  5. Blog ataupun Artikel tidak boleh menyinggung SARA,berbau pornografi dan melanggar undang undang yang berlaku.
  6. Pemenang kontes adalah peserta yang blog atau situs webnya (url postingan dan bukan nama domainnya saja) tercantum di pada 17 Nopember 2009 pukul 24.00 WIB, pada “telusuri web”, bukan “halaman dari Indonesia” di urutan 1-10.
  7. Postingan yang semata mata berita kontes tidak akan dimasukan dalam perhitungan. Jadi andaikan pada akhir batas perlombaan terdapat artikel berita kontes yang masuk dalam 10 besar, itu tidak termasuk pemenangnya. Dan akan diganti pada urutan berikutnya. Maka dari itu, anda harus segera edit jika artikel yang anda lombakan seperti itu.
    Tetapi jika postingan anda ditulis sesuai dengan tema yang diharuskan, namun juga menambahkan sedikit informasi soal berita kontes, maka itu dianggap sah dan dimasukkan sebagai artikel peserta. Paling tidak materi harus didominasi oleh tulisan tentang objek wisata di pandeglang. Infomasi kontes boleh dicantumkan sedikit/belakangan atau di postingan lain.
  8. Panitia berhak meninjau ulang peraturan seperti menambah, mengurangi peraturan menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan kompetisi lomba.Termasuk hadiah yang ditawarkan Untuk hal yang ini tidak bisa diganggu gugat.
  9. Peserta wajib memasang banner kontes seo di blognya.
  10. Domain blog atau web tidak boleh menggunakan kata kunci/keyword yang diperlombakan
Bagi para pemenang akan disediakan hadiah dengan rincian sbb:
  1. Juara pertama mendapatkan Notebook ACER Aspire 4736Z-421G25Mn
  2. Juara kedua mendapatkan Blackbery Javelin 8900
  3. Juara ketiga mendapatkan uang tunai Rp. 1.000.000,-
  4. Juara ke-4 sampai ke-6 mendapatkan uang tunai Rp. 500.000,-
  5. Juara ke-7 sampai ke-10 mendapatkan uang tunai Rp. 250.000,-
Tertarik mengikutinya, mari beramai-ramai kita Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang.

[Selengkapnya] - Rame-rame kita Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang